Search Results for: nicaragua

Favorite “PINS” Friday!

Favorite “PINS” Friday!

Hey friends!


I’m sorry I am late posting this today.  I have been running around like chicken with my head cut off trying to get everything together for my trip to Nicaragua.


There are so many little details that I need to remember that I am feeling a little nervous about it all.  Please say a prayer for me to be able to get it all done.



Also, I have a special favor to ask.

Iif you have a few minutes to spare, could you visit yesterday’s post and click on one of the links?  It was a sponsored post, and I need to reach a certain amount of clicks.  So far, the number is low, and I would be grateful if you could help me get that number up.  Smile  You don’t have to do anything but “click.”

To visit that post, go HERE.

Thanks so much!  xoxo



Now to my favorite pins from Pinterest this week!



Pinterest gray farmhouse kitchen


DIY Beaded Sun Catchers
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DIY Beaded Sun Catchers

I wanted to share with you a guest post I did a couple of weeks ago.  It was a totally “crafty” thing, but it was fun to make.

A few weeks ago, my son, Luke, came home from church excited about something he had made in Sunday School.

It was a DIY beaded sun catcher {made with beads and a disposable pie pan.}

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It was such a cute, easy craft.  He said, “Mom, you should show this on your blog!”

I agreed, except I added a little twist to mine.

I decided to make a mobile for the fourth of July.

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My Latest StichFix Box!!!

My Latest StichFix Box!!!

Hey Friends!

A few weeks ago, I shared StitchFix with you.

Stitch Fix

It’s a personal styling service that my sister told me about.  She’s been receiving StitchFix boxes since last fall, and she was enjoying it so much that I decided to give them a try.

I loved my first box so much, that I couldn’t wait for my second box to arrive!  It is seriously like Christmas.  When my box arrived, my boys started yelling, “Mom!  Your StitchFix is here!  Your StitchFix is here!!!”

It was so cute.

They all stood around me as I opened it.  {I know…we’ve got issues.}  But I love that my boys were excited for their mama. Smile

I absolutely love how the clothes are wrapped up so pretty.

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DIY Light and Mirror Makeovers

DIY Light and Mirror Makeovers

Wow!  Guess what I forgot to announce last week?


The Haven ticket winner!

I’m so sorry.  Sad smile  Without further ado, congratulations to….


Bre Himlie!!


I will be sending you an email about your winning ticket!  Woohoo!!!  See you at Haven!


Today, I wanted to quickly show you a couple of small DIY makeovers I did to the light and mirror in my Master Closet makeover.

First up is the light.

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Skinny Banana Chip Cake

Skinny Banana Chip Cake

I made a precious new friend at the SNAP conference in April.  She was my roomie, and she was so cute and sweet.  She has a fabulous cooking blog that I knew my readers would just love, so I asked if she would guest post for me sometime.  Thankfully, she said “yes!”

Please warmly welcome, Ruthie!


Hi to all of Beneath my Hearts friends! I’m Ruthie from Whats Cooking with Ruthie and I’m SO excited to be here today to share a delicious recipe with you!

It’s that time of year when we’re all trying to shred a few of those winter pounds…

I’ve written about my weight loss story here (part A & part B) and even though I am a foodie-

I try to make my recipes as healthy as possible without sacrificing any flavor :)

This delicious Skinny Banana Chip Cake that I’m sharing with you today is a fabulous example of having your cake and eating too (with less calories!)…

Skinny Banana Chip Cake by