Finding Rest

Aaah, Sunday morning.  There is nothing better.


I’m getting ready to wake the boys up to get ready for church, but for now, I wanted to write to you. :)

I kind of gave myself a “vacation” this past week.  The thing about being a blogger is that you are never really “off.”  It is a job that can literally go 24/7, 365 (if you let it.)

I only posted one time last week, and to be truthful, I worried about it.  But the bottom line was that I needed a “rest” from my blog.

It didn’t mean that I wasn’t working….I just wasn’t working as much on my blog.  And I needed that break so much.  I’m at an important stage of my life where I am trying to listen to the Lord and follow HIS plans for my life.  I have a yearning desire to simply my life, focus on what matters most, and get things in order around here.

So I had to take a break.  

I made dinner four out of the five school nights!  That is a record in these parts.  I laid on a blanket under a shade tree in our back yard and took a little nap.  I snuggled with my honey and watched a movie (without a computer on my lap!)  I ate lunch with Dad and Janet, got a pedicure, and spent time reading a book.   Y’all, that is NOT my normal type of week, but it felt SO good. 

I worked a lot this past week, but I worked on cooking meals, cleaning the house, organizing my office, and trying to be more disciplined.  Remember my post about being more disciplined?  Well, I am doing a good job so far.  Yay!   I’ve made changes in my eating habits, been using my planner more, and been spending time with the Lord.   It feels so good. 

When I spend time with the Lord, my heart is at REST.  And in a world that is full of chaos, REST feels really good.  


Y’all, life is not easy.  We need rest.  We need to be re-feuled each day to be able to face what comes our way.  It is my heart’s greatest prayer that you would know the love and peace of Jesus Christ.  I am praying for you this week.  Praying that you will know that you are loved by the God of this universe.  Praying that you will find time this week to sit in His presence and soak up His word and His promises.  Seek Him and you will find Him.

May it be well with your soul. 

Do me a favor, start today by watching this video.    Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and REST in Him.   Love you guys so much!!!!


  1. Have a great day Traci, so excited to get to the Lord’s house this morning and see what He has in store! God is sooooo good!!!

  2. Hi Traci, I am so happy you took some time for yourself. I have to be honest. I missed your daily posts this summer, but knowing the reason why you were’nt posting made me so happy for you. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the music video on todays post. I have watched this over and over this summer. It has brought me so much peace with where I am right now with my health. I had cancer ten years ago and can thankfully say that I am cancer free! I praise our Lord for the miracle of life and healing. The chemo left behind some ugly reminders that I live with daily, but I know because of HIS love and grace I can get through it!!! I was diagnosed earlier this summer with a fractured spine due to an infection. It is called osteomyelitis. Every 12hrs I have to infuse via iv my nutrition and as good as it is, it has some bad side effects. Because it is sugar based it is the perfect breeding ground for infection to set up. I am so sorry for such a long post, but I just wanted you to know that you have been an amazing inspiration for me and I have prayed for you and your sweet family so much this summer. We have four children as well and even though our youngest is 17 (eeek, where does the time go), I know how hectic life can be. Take time for yourself and care for yourself Traci. It’s hard to do, but so important. Because of the pain from the fractures, I have been either a bed bug or a couch potato this whole summer. It wasn’t the summer I had planned, but that’s okay. We can get through anything with our Father’s love and guidance! I will continue to pray for you and your sweet family. Again thank you for today’s post, it was exactly what I needed!!! With love!!!!

    1. Hi Carlie! Praise the Lord that you have been cancer free for ten years!! I am so sorry that you have been having difficulties this past summer, but it sounds like you have an amazing spirit! Your attitude reminds me a lot of my mom’s when she was facing her diagnosis. She always taught us to look for blessings when going through difficult times. Thank you so much for your prayers for our family! They are appreciated more than you know! God bless you!! Traci

  3. You have reminded of the quote from Augustine,“Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.” A good reminder to settle myself in Christ especially as I prepare for another home-schooling year. Thank you.

  4. Good Morning Traci,

    it seem to me that you’re a very open, warm and friendly person and I love reading your posts. They’re always filled with so much kindness and they give hope that almost everybody have the same ‘little’ daily sorrows to solve by reading this actual and your last post. Please keep regulary going on with your blog and everytime a pleasure :)
    best wishes from germany, Tanja

    1. Tanja,
      Thank you so very much for your comment. I am going to keep sharing more of my heart on my blog because it makes me feel so connected with my readers. I just want to walk through life with all of you and I hope to be an encouragement along the way. God bless you!!

  5. “It is well” with my soul. Such an awesome song. My absolute favorite! In this fast paced world and all the tragedies that are going on around us, it gives peace to me to know where I am going when the Lord sees fit to take me home. I really don’t know how people go from day to day without this assurance in their heart. You may know the history of that song but if you don’t it is worth looking it up.

    1. I don’t know how people go from day to day without that assurance either, Renee. I’m going to look up the history of that song! Thanks!

  6. I have wondered and prayed for your family’s hectic activities. also, have wondered how your hsb is managing his challenges of work plus all the home projects and the activities. God bless you and your family.
    sometimes we just have to breathe and rest with HIM>

    1. Thank you, Brenda! I appreciate your prayers. We have had seasons in our lives that are crazy, and right now, I am trying to create a season of rest. I know it is where God wants us right now. God bless you!

  7. This post and song were perfect!! Thank you for sharing :) and keep up the good work in getting disciplined. You are such an inspiration. Be blessed :)

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